change starts here

Book a session

If you would like to connect with me to be a guest on your podcast, speak at your event, or conduct a workshop, please email me directly to schedule a phone consultation.



What happens next


Schedule a Consultation

The first step in therapy starts with scheduling a free phone consultation. The purpose of this call is to ensure that you and I are a good fit. My consultations usually last 20 minutes. We will go over what is bringing you to therapy, any questions you might have, fees and scheduling your intake session.



Once we decide we’re a good fit and on a date to hold our first session, I will send paperwork that will need to be completed before our session. Paperwork will be sent electronically and will require you to create an account through the client portal. The portal is HIPAA compliant, so everything you submit will be safe and kept confidential.


Intake Session

Once paperwork is complete, we’ll have our first session, which is also called an intake session. It’s a time for you and I to get to know each other better, to ensure we’re a good fit, for me to share my approach to therapy, and to see if I can provide you with the support and/or treatment you need. It is also a time that will help me gain a better understanding of what brings you to therapy.

Virtual Therapy
in California